Exploring St. Louis
Neighborhood and Zip Code Maps

Maps to Consider:

Since some of our data was given by neighborhood, some by census tract and even others by zip code. Finding how these categories related was a hurdle.

Map Of St. Louis Zip Codes

Map Of St. Louis Neighborhoods

Map Of St. Louis Census Tracts


Tracts, Neighborhoods, Zips, Oh My!

Since individual tracts are not necessarily (and generally are not) fully contained in a single neighborhood or zip code we had to do some approximating. The same is true for neighborhoods and zip codes. Below are the maps we made in order to decide which zip code in which each neighborhood was mostly contained by land area. We did the same for tracts. We attempted to use paint to put and just lay one on top of the other, but found that it would be more time effective to do this by hand.

Nieghborhoods to Zip Codes
ngbhds to zips
Tracts to Zip Codes
tracts to ngbhds

This page designed by Rebecca Kalhorn.
Project Teammates: Rori Cooper and Rajesh Sikka